Finck Cigars' 8th Annual Lone Star Cigar Bash
Finck Cigars' 8th Annual Lone Star Cigar Bash
San Antonio, TX
The most anticipated cigar event in San Antonio, hosted by your friends at Finck Cigars is a couple of months away! This fantastic event has raised over $202,000 for one of our favorite charities, The Fisher House. This outstanding organization houses families of our military while they are treated…
Saturday, June 1 2019
4:00 PM
9:00 PM
Finck Cigars' 7th Annual Lone Star Cigar Bash
Finck Cigars' 7th Annual Lone Star Cigar Bash
Helotes, TX
The most anticipated cigar event in San Antonio, hosted by your friends at Finck Cigars is just weeks away! This fantastic event has raised over $140,000 for one of our favorite charities, The Fisher House. This outstanding organization houses families of our military while they are treated in loca…
Saturday, June 2 2018
4:00 PM
9:00 PM